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Dan Meyer

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Dan Meyer

  • Chief of Staff, Former Republican House Speakers Kevin McCarthy and Newt Gingrich

Dan Meyer served as chief of staff to Kevin McCarthy from 2019 to 2023, during McCarthy’s time as House Republican minority leader and as House speaker. Before that, Meyer was assistant to the president for legislative affairs during the George W. Bush administration. He was previously chief of staff to Newt Gingrich, during Gingrich’s time as House Republican whip and as House speaker. Meyer also worked for the Duberstein Group, a lobbying firm, serving as vice president and later president. He is on the board of the Congressional Institute Inc. and holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. 


Toward a More Responsible and Effective Presidency (Day One)

William Antholis, Don Baer, Peter Baker, Laura Barrón-López, Bob Bauer, Joshua Bolten, Meena Bose, Valerie Smith Boyd, Robert Bruner, Stephen Burns , and more

Leading scholars, journalists, and key practitioners, drawn from both Republican and Democratic administrations, diagnose the problem with the American presidency on day one of this two-day discussion.

9:00am - 2:30pm

Toward a More Responsible and Effective Presidency (Day Two)

William Antholis, Don Baer, Peter Baker, Laura Barrón-López, Bob Bauer, Joshua Bolten, Meena Bose, Valerie Smith Boyd, Robert Bruner, Stephen Burns , and more

Leading scholars, journalists, and key practitioners, drawn from both Republican and Democratic administrations, focus on how to fix problems with the American presidency on day two of this two-day discussion.

9:00am - 2:30pm