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John C. Jeffries Jr.

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John C. Jeffries Jr.

  • Professor of Law, University of Virginia
  • Counselor to the President, University of Virginia

John C. Jeffries Jr. is David and Mary Harrison Distinguished Professor of Law and counselor to President James Ryan at the University of Virginia. His primary research and teaching interests are civil rights, federal courts, criminal law, and constitutional law. Jeffries has co-authored casebooks in civil rights, federal courts, and criminal law and has published a variety of articles in those fields. He also wrote a biography of Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr., for whom he clerked after law school, before serving in the US Army as a second lieutenant. He holds a bachelor's degree from Yale University and a JD from the University of Virginia School of Law. He is a member of the Miller Center’s Governing Council and Foundation Board. 


Toward a More Responsible and Effective Presidency (Day One)

William Antholis, Don Baer, Peter Baker, Laura Barrón-López, Bob Bauer, Joshua Bolten, Meena Bose, Valerie Smith Boyd, Robert Bruner, Stephen Burns , and more

Leading scholars, journalists, and key practitioners, drawn from both Republican and Democratic administrations, diagnose the problem with the American presidency on day one of this two-day discussion.

9:00am - 2:30pm

Toward a More Responsible and Effective Presidency (Day Two)

William Antholis, Don Baer, Peter Baker, Laura Barrón-López, Bob Bauer, Joshua Bolten, Meena Bose, Valerie Smith Boyd, Robert Bruner, Stephen Burns , and more

Leading scholars, journalists, and key practitioners, drawn from both Republican and Democratic administrations, focus on how to fix problems with the American presidency on day two of this two-day discussion.

9:00am - 2:30pm