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Valerie Smith Boyd

Valerie Boyd's headshot

Valerie Smith Boyd

  • Director, Partnership for Public Service

Valerie Smith Boyd is the director of Partnership for Public Service, which supports successful transition planning by presidential candidates and their teams. She has served in the past three administrations in both career and political roles. Boyd was part of the small team that established the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2002. She supported President George W. Bush’s transfer of homeland security knowledge and the integration of the Homeland Security Council and National Security Council (NSC) staff as President Barack Obama’s team took over in 2009. During her time at the NSC, she organized the interagency policy process and managed briefing and decision materials for the president and the Cabinet. Most recently, Boyd returned to DHS, where she oversaw policy development for homeland security partnerships around the world. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and a master’s degree from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.


Toward a More Responsible and Effective Presidency (Day One)

William Antholis, Don Baer, Peter Baker, Laura Barrón-López, Bob Bauer, Joshua Bolten, Meena Bose, Valerie Smith Boyd, Robert Bruner, Stephen Burns , and more

Leading scholars, journalists, and key practitioners, drawn from both Republican and Democratic administrations, diagnose the problem with the American presidency on day one of this two-day discussion.

9:00am - 2:30pm

Toward a More Responsible and Effective Presidency (Day Two)

William Antholis, Don Baer, Peter Baker, Laura Barrón-López, Bob Bauer, Joshua Bolten, Meena Bose, Valerie Smith Boyd, Robert Bruner, Stephen Burns , and more

Leading scholars, journalists, and key practitioners, drawn from both Republican and Democratic administrations, focus on how to fix problems with the American presidency on day two of this two-day discussion.

9:00am - 2:30pm