‘How To Disagree Better,’ with World Debate Champion Bo Seo

The ability to have civil, thoughtful dialogue across difference is a cornerstone of a thriving democracy. And yet, in today’s hyperpolarized environment, we too often have trouble disagreeing without becoming disagreeable. Sponsored by the Karsh Institute’s Think Again @ UVA, journalist, author, and two-time world debating champion Bo Seo leads a workshop on how to navigate disagreement constructively so that we can have enlightening and productive discussions. Seo is the author of Good Arguments: How Debate Teaches Us To Listen and Be Heard. A book signing follows the workshop.

Hosted and produced by the Karsh Institute of Democracy, the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, and Think Again @ UVA. Introduction by Mary Kate Cary, former White House speechwriter in the administration of President George H. W. Bush.