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Satire as Political Changemaker

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Editorial cartoons that offer opinions on the news of the day have kept politicians in check for centuries. Modern cartoonists have expanded upon that, creating revolutionary art with the unique ability to stifle authoritarianism, amplify the voices of the disempowered, and shape democratic culture around the world. A panel of esteemed editorial cartoonists discusses how accessible—and often humorous—illustrations can be used to comment on culture, corruption, censorship, and democratic norms.

Hosted and produced by the Karsh Institute of Democracy and the UVA Library. Introduction by John Unsworth, dean of libraries at the University of Virginia.


Barbara Brandon-Croft


Drawn + Quarterly

Laurent Dubois

Academic Director, Karsh Institute of Democracy

University of Virginia

Jeffrey Koterba

Editorial Cartoonist

Cagle Cartoon Syndicate

Pedro Xavier Molina

Opinion Cartoonist

Confidencial; Counterpoint

Rayma Suprani

Editorial Cartoonist

