Barbara Brandon-Croft
- Cartoonist, Drawn + Quarterly
Cartoonist Barbara Brandon-Croft became the nation’s first Black female in the profession to cross the color line into the mainstream press in 1989 with her cast of an all-Black-women cartoon feature “Where I’m Coming From,” which first appeared in The Detroit Free Press. In 1991, Universal Press Syndicate began distributing her work in more than 60 mainstream newspapers both nationally and internationally until 2005. Brandon-Croft continues to put pen to page to offer her brand of social commentary post syndication online, she says, out of necessity.
Satire as Political Changemaker
Barbara Brandon-Croft, Laurent Dubois, Jeffrey Koterba, Pedro Xavier Molina, Rayma Suprani
A panel of esteemed editorial cartoonists discusses how accessible—and often humorous—illustrations can be used to comment on culture, corruption, censorship, and democratic norms.