Hosted jointly by UVA's Karsh Institute and College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, the John L. Nau III History & Principles of Democracy Lab focuses on historical and conceptual questions of democracy. It is animated by the work of 12 new faculty hires and is supported by the John L. Nau III Foundation and the Mellon Foundation.
The Nau Lab offers a variety of courses and organizes a range of public-facing and academic programming, such as the Touchstones of Democracy event series, to deepen knowledge and engage the public.
Spring 2025 'Touchstones of Democracy' Series
Tensions in American Conservative Thought
Matthew Continetti of the American Enterprise Institute shares his insights about the pressures that have shaped conservative thought and the conflicts between a desire for mainstream acceptance and the pull of extremism and populism.
Empowering Democratic Inclusion in a Globalized World
Archon Fung (Harvard Kennedy School), editor of Empowering Affected Interests, explores with Kirsten Gelsdorf (UVA Batten School) how democracy could be reconfigured in a world defined by increasing global interdependence.
Democracy and the Imagination
Deva Woodly (Brown University) and Lawrie Balfour (UVA Politics) discuss how their recent books reimagine the meaning of freedom and the possibilities of democracy. Moderated by Kevin Gaines (UVA Woodson Institute).
'Touchstones of Democracy'
This event series takes a deep dive on key moments, places, thinkers, and texts that inform the history and principles of democracy.
'Indigenous Social & Political Thought' Series
In collaboration with UVA's Native American Student Union, faculty and staff in Indigenous studies, and community members from Virginia tribes, the Karsh Institute created an annual speaker series focusing on Indigenous political and social thought, highlighting Native and Indigenous political philosophies and democratic practices.
In Award-Winning Book, UVA Author Contends Democracy Is ‘Wobbling’
UVA professor John Owen, who is the Karsh Institute's Advisory Board vice chair and was a featured speaker in our 'Touchstones of Democracy' event series, received the 2025 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order.
Nau Foundation's $17M Gift Supports Karsh Institute, Teaching of History
The total includes a $15 million endowment to support the Karsh Institute of Democracy and a $2.6 million fund supporting the Center for Civil War History.

Jacqueline Arthur-Montagne
John L. Nau III Assistant Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia
Assistant Professor of Classics

Emily Burrill
Associate Professor of History, University of Virginia

Christopher Carter
John L. Nau III Assistant Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia
Assistant Professor of Politics

Indrani Chatterjee
John L. Nau III Distinguished Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia
Professor of History and Distinguished Chair on Democracy and the History of South Asia

Iris de Rode
Gibson Fellow in Democracy, UVA's Karsh Institute of Democracy

Laurent Dubois
John L. Nau III Bicentennial Professor of the History & Principles of Democracy and Professor of History, University of Virginia
Academic Director, Karsh Institute of Democracy
Director, John L. Nau III History & Principles of Democracy Lab

Lauren Duval
Gibson Fellow in Democracy, UVA's Karsh Institute of Democracy
Assistant Professor of History, University of Oklahoma

Jessica Kimpell Johnson
Director of Research
Manager, John L. Nau III History & Principles of Democracy Lab

Deborah Kang
John L. Nau III Associate Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia
Associate Professor of History

Amber Mackey
John L. Nau III Assistant Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia
Assistant Professor of Politics

Alexander Motchoulski
John L. Nau III Assistant Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia
Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Paulina Ochoa Espejo
John L. Nau III Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia
Professor of Politics

Kristina Richardson
John L. Nau III Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia
Professor of History and Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures

Albert Rivero
John L. Nau III Assistant Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia
Assistant Professor of Politics

Amir Syed
Assistant Professor of History, University of Virginia

Melissa Vise
John L. Nau III Associate Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia
Associate Professor of History