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Our People

Leadership and Staff
Melody Barnes standing in front of the Karsh Institute of Democracy

Melody Barnes

Executive Director, Karsh Institute of Democracy

W.L. Lyons Brown Family Director for Policy and Public Engagement

Professor of Practice, Miller Center of Public Affairs

Stefanie Georgakis Abbott

Stefanie Georgakis Abbott

Director of Programming

Mary Beth Aungier

Mary Beth Aungier

Event Planner

Headshot of Frances Capaccio

Frances Capaccio

Executive Assistant

Laurent Dubois

Laurent Dubois

John L. Nau III Bicentennial Professor of the History & Principles of Democracy and Professor of History, University of Virginia

Academic Director, Karsh Institute of Democracy

Director, John L. Nau III History & Principles of Democracy Lab

Nikki Kain's headshot

Nikki Kain

Assistant Director of Programming

Jessica Kimpell Johnson

Jessica Kimpell Johnson

Director of Research

Manager, John L. Nau III History & Principles of Democracy Lab

Randy Richards

Senior Finance Generalist

Natalie Russell

Natalie Ermann Russell

Associate Director of Content and Marketing

Erin Tor

Erin Tör

Director of Communications

Nicole Woods

Nicole Woods

Managing Director

Advisory Board
Portrait of Dean Acampora

Christa D. Acampora

Dean, College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, UVA

Buckner W. Clay Professor of Philosophy, UVA

Ben Allen's headshot

Ben Allen

Executive Director, Center for Community Partnerships, UVA

Robert Allen's headshot

Robert Allen

*Special Invitee

Associate Vice President of Development, UVA

William Antholis

William J. Antholis

Director and CEO, Miller Center, UVA (CLAS ‘86)

Melody Barnes standing in front of the Karsh Institute of Democracy

Melody Barnes

Executive Director, Karsh Institute of Democracy

W.L. Lyons Brown Family Director for Policy and Public Engagement

Professor of Practice, Miller Center of Public Affairs

Megan Barnett's headshot

Megan Barnett

Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives, UVA

Matthew Barzun's headshot

Matthew Barzun

Former U.S. Ambassador to the UK and Sweden; Chair & Publisher, Tortoise Media

Ian Baucom

Ian Baucom

Executive Vice President and Provost, UVA

Megan Beyer's headshot

Megan Beyer

Director, Art in Embassies, U.S. Department of State

John Bridgeland

John Bridgeland

Founder and CEO, More Perfect

Executive Chairman, Office of American Possibilities (Law ‘87)

Mary Schmidt Campbell's headshot

Mary Schmidt Campbell

President Emerita, Spelman College

Jim Donovan's headshot

Jim Donovan

Vice Chairman, Global Client Coverage, Goldman Sachs

Adjunct Professor, UVA School of Law

Laurent Dubois

Laurent Dubois

John L. Nau III Bicentennial Professor of the History & Principles of Democracy and Professor of History, University of Virginia

Academic Director, Karsh Institute of Democracy

Director, John L. Nau III History & Principles of Democracy Lab

Heather Evans

Heather K. Evans

John Morton Beaty Endowed Chair in Political Science, UVA College at Wise

Ben Ginsberg's headshot

Benjamin L. Ginsberg

Volker Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution

Co-Chair, Pillars of the Community

Co-Chair, Election Official Legal Defense Network

Risa Goluboff

Risa Goluboff (Chair)

David and Mary Harrison Distinguished Professor of Law, UVA School of Law

Professor of History, UVA

Judge Griffith's headshot

Judge Thomas B. Griffith (Retired)

Fellow, Wheatley Institute at Brigham Young University

Lecturer on Law, Harvard Law and Stanford Law

Special Counsel, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLC

John C. Jeffries, Jr.

John C. Jeffries, Jr.

David and Mary Harrison Distinguished Professor of Law, UVA School of Law

Counselor to President James Ryan, UVA (Law ’73)

Bruce Karsh's headshot

Bruce A. Karsh

*Special Invitee

Co-Founder and Co-Chairman, Oaktree Capital Management (Law ‘80)

Co-Founder, Karsh Family Foundation

Martha Karsh's headshot

Martha L. Karsh

Co-Founder, Karsh Family Foundation (CLAS ’78, Law ‘81)

Mark Luellen's headshot

Mark M. Luellen

*Special Invitee

Vice President for Advancement, UVA

John Nau III's headshot

John L. Nau III

Chairman and CEO, SED Holdings LLC

President, John L. Nau III Foundation (CLAS ’68)

Alonda Nelson's headshot

Alondra Nelson

Harold F. Linder Professor of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study

Distinguished Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress

John Owen

John M. Owen IV (Vice Chair)

Ambassador Henry J. and Mrs. Marion R. Taylor Professor of Politics, UVA Department of Politics

Faculty Senior Fellow, Miller Center, UVA

Faculty Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, UVA

Pete Peterson's headshot

Pete N. Peterson

Dean, School of Public Policy, Pepperdine University

Bill Polk's headshot

William L. Polk Jr.

Partner, Egis Capital Partners

Bertrall Ross's headshot

Bertrall Ross

*Special Invitee

Justice Thurgood Marshall Distinguished Professor of Law, UVA School of Law

Director, Karsh Center for Law and Democracy, UVA

Jim Ryan's headshot

James E. Ryan

*Special Invitee

President, UVA

Larry Sabato

Larry J. Sabato

Founder and Director, Center for Politics, UVA

University Professor of Politics, UVA (CLAS ’74)

Gabriel Salguero

Reverend Gabriel A. Salguero

Pastor, The Gathering Place

President and Founder, National Latino Evangelical Coalition

Karly Scholz

Karly Scholz

Student Representative

Micah Schwartzman's headshot

Micah J. Schwartzman

*Special Invitee

Hardy Cross Dillard Professor of Law and Roy L. and Rosamond Woodruff Morgan Professor of Law, UVA School of Law

Director, Karsh Center for Law and Democracy, UVA

Eric Scorsone's headshot

Eric Scorsone

Executive Director, Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, UVA

Evan Smith's headshot

Evan Smith

Co-founder, The Texas Tribune

Senior Advisor, Emerson Collective

Professor of Practice, The LBJ School of Public Affairs

Ian Solomon

Ian H. Solomon

Dean, Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, UVA

Suzanne Spaulding

Suzanne Spaulding

Director, Defending Democratic Institutions Project, Center for Strategic and International Studies (CLAS ‘78, Law ‘81)

Jayme Swain

Jayme Swain

President and CEO, VPM and the Virginia Foundation for Public Media (CLAS ‘97)

Craig Volden

Craig Volden

Professor of Public Policy and Politics, Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, UVA

Co-director, Center for Effective Lawmaking, UVA

Past Advisory Board Members
Deborah Archer

Deborah Archer

Years Active: 2022–2024

President, ACLU

Professor of Clinical Law, NYU Law School

Lonnie Bunch's headshot

Lonnie G. Bunch III 

Year Active: 2022

Secretary, The Smithsonian

Laura Chadwick's headshot

Laura Farish Chadwick

Years Active: 2022–2023

Vice President, William Stamps Farish Fund (CLAS ‘89)

Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar

Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar

Years Active: 2022–2024

President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Desiree Ho's headshot

Desiree Ho

Years Active: 2023–2024

Student Representative, UVA (Batten ’25)

Lonnie Howell's headshot

Lawrence D. Howell

Years Active: 2022–2024

Global Chairman & Co-Founder, UCAP Group of Financial Services Companies and Banks (CLAS ’75, Law ’79)

Ibarguen's headshot

Alberto Ibargüen

Year Active: 2022

President and CEO, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Anthony Kennedy

The Honorable Anthony Kennedy

Years Active: 2022–2024

Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court (retired)

Yuval Levin

Yuval Levin

Years Active: 2022–2024

Director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies, American Enterprise Institute

Senior Fellow, Beth and Ravenel Curry Chair in Public Policy, American Enterprise Institute

Sandra Wicks Lewis

Sandra Wicks Lewis

Years Active: 2022–2024

Former Relationship Manager, Professional and Executive Banking Division, Bank of America

Co-Founder, Lewis Family Fund (CLAS ’72)

Mehta's headshot

Sarita Mehta

Year Active: 2022

Student Representative, UVA (CLAS ‘22)

Jim Murray's headshot

James B. Murray, Jr.

Years Active: 2022–2024

Managing General Partner, Court Square Ventures

Founder, Presidential Precinct (CLAS ‘68)

Meghan Murray

Meghan Murray

Year Active: 2023

Former Interim Executive Director, Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service

Alexis Ohanian's headshot

Alexis K. Ohanian

Years Active: 2022–2024

Founder, Seven Seven Six

Co-Founder and Former Executive Chair, Reddit (Com ‘05)

Margaret Spellings

Margaret Spellings

Years Active: 2022–2024

President and CEO, Bipartisan Policy Center

U.S. Secretary of Education, Bush Administration (2005–2009)

Christian Taylor's headshot

Christian Taylor

Years Active: 2022–2023

Student Representative, UVA (CLAS ‘24)

Larry Terry's headshot

Larry D. Terry II

Year Active: 2022

Executive Director, Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, 2018–2022

Affiliated Faculty
Portrait of Jackie Arthur-Montagne

Jacqueline Arthur-Montagne

John L. Nau III Assistant Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia

Assistant Professor of Classics

Emily Burrill

Emily Burrill

Associate Professor of History, University of Virginia

Portrait of Christopher Carter

Christopher Carter

John L. Nau III Assistant Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia

Assistant Professor of Politics

Portrait of Indrani Chatterjee

Indrani Chatterjee

John L. Nau III Distinguished Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia

Professor of History and Distinguished Chair on Democracy and the History of South Asia

Portrait of Deborah Kang

Deborah Kang

John L. Nau III Associate Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia

Associate Professor of History

Portrait of Alex

Alexander Motchoulski

John L. Nau III Assistant Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia

Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Portrait of Kristina Richardson

Kristina Richardson

John L. Nau III Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia

Professor of History and Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures

Portrait of Alberto Rivero

Albert Rivero

John L. Nau III Assistant Professor of the History and Principles of Democracy, University of Virginia

Assistant Professor of Politics

Portrait of A. Syed

Amir Syed

Assistant Professor of History, University of Virginia

Rachel Wahl

Rachel Wahl

Associate Professor, School of Education and Human Development, University of Virginia

Director, Good Life Political Project, Karsh Institute of Democracy