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Past Events

Civics 101: Educating Engaged Citizens and Future Leaders

Carrie Billy, Arne Duncan, Aimee Rogstad Guidera, James E. Ryan

Experts in education discuss the critical influence of civic learning on workforce development, the role two-year institutions of higher education play, and what it means to educate whole citizens.

7:00pm - 8:15pm
The Paramount Theater

Constructive Dialogue Institute: Fostering Dialogue Skills in Students

Jacob Fay

Participants review the prepare-support-intervene (PSI) approach, which gives educators the tools to prepare students, support them during conversation, and intervene if de-escalation is required.

2:30pm - 5:30pm
Bavaro Hall

Constructive Dialogue Institute: Facilitating Dialogue with Peers

Eliza O’Neil

Student leaders review the PSI (prepare-support-intervene) approach, a model created by the Constructive Dialogue Institute that gives leaders the tools to prepare their communities for dialogue, support them during conversation, and intervene if de-escalation is required.

2:30pm - 5:30pm
Newcomb Hall (Commonwealth)

Mayors: The Frontline Workers for Democracy

Mattie Parker, Evan Smith, Levar M. Stoney

In the United States and across the world, mayors are taking on increased political importance as they combat complex governance challenges. How are mayoral decisions impacting those within and beyond their city limits?

3:30pm - 4:30pm
The Paramount Theater

The New Momentum to Make College Civic Learning Universal

Charles Ansell, Catherine Copeland, John Lane, Félix V. Matos Rodríguez, Jeff Rosen, Janna Vice

A movement for universal civic learning is gaining both policy leadership and campus-level commitment across all sectors in postsecondary education. But can it prevail against a dominant narrative that sees higher education as “job-skills” only?

2:00pm - 3:15pm
Bavaro Hall

Big Tech’s Effect on Democracy

Alexis Ohanian, Deb Roy, Kara Swisher

Technological advances have drastically changed the political and cultural landscape. How will the rapid expansion of AI and the increased influence of social media shape American democracy going forward?

2:00pm - 3:15pm
The Paramount Theater

Toward a More Responsible and Effective Presidency (Day One)

William Antholis, Don Baer, Peter Baker, Laura Barrón-López, Bob Bauer, Joshua Bolten, Meena Bose, Valerie Smith Boyd, Robert Bruner, Stephen Burns , and more

Leading scholars, journalists, and key practitioners, drawn from both Republican and Democratic administrations, diagnose the problem with the American presidency on day one of this two-day discussion.

9:00am - 2:30pm

‘How To Disagree Better,’ with World Debate Champion Bo Seo

Bo Seo

Journalist, author, and two-time world debating champion Bo Seo leads a workshop on how to navigate disagreement constructively so that we can have enlightening and productive discussions.

1:00pm - 2:00pm
Garrett Hall

Climate Change and Disproportionate Health Burdens

Ebony Hilton, Karen Johnston, Irène Mathieu, Matthew Meyer

Experts consider direct impacts of climate change on public health, and how communities, health care systems, and clinicians can adapt.

12:45pm - 1:45pm
The Rotunda Dome Room

Democratization of Data: Local Data, Local Governance

Michele Claibourn, Daniel Fairley II, Misty Graves, Lee LeBoeuf, Sherica Jones-Lewis

Communities need locally relevant data to inform policymaking and to hold local governments accountable. How can the collaboratively produced Stepping Stones report about the community well-being of the Charlottesville area promote shared understanding across the country at a local level?

11:45am - 12:45pm
The Colonnade Club